Friday, September 11, 2020

Creating a Digital Pepeha


Today we worked through creating a Digital Pepeha using GameFroot. This is a great platform that students really enjoy working on. Students build their coding skills as they run through the programme. I've found this a really great way for students to share their knowledge of their pepeha in a new and fun way, which has been very engaging for the students I've worked with. 

Friday, September 4, 2020

Devices Day

I really enjoy the devices day in the DFI, it really surprises me how many of our teachers don't have the opportunity to spend time using the technology that their students use.  I think it's a valuable opportunity for teachers to see how these devices work, see the benefits and some of the limitations students may experience in their use. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Mihi Maker

In our DFI session this week where we were looking at Computational Thinking I worked with Cheryl to support teachers to explore Gamefroot's Mihi Maker. This is a great tool to link students knowledge of their pepeha and the skills needed for computational thinking. I also did this for a session with students in class and we made connections to the Smart Footprint kaupapa - looking at which pieces of information we share publicly and which we keep private.

I have explored this programme several times before, but there have been some updates and it was great to have another go at it and support teachers to do the same.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

My animation - By Vicki

I have been learning to create animations using Google Slides. My animation tells the story of what happens when it rains. I also learned to add audio to my animation. When I was searching for music, I needed to find music that was free to use and share. I found this on Youtube. Do you know how to find music that is in the public domain? 

Multiple images in a blog post

This morning in our DFI bubble one of our teachers asked about inserting multiple photos into a blog post. 

I have created this using a table and then inserting the images into the table. Not ideal, but a good work around. 

Connecting with Dorothy

Computational thinking
in action

Gerhard connecting us with the Manaiakalani kaupapa word of empowered

I've just gone back to our agenda doc and Cheryl, our one of our facilitators in Gisborne has suggested using Google Photos to create a collage. A much easier way to get a great effect! Thanks Cheryl.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Session 1: DFI Online Cohort Term 2

Kia ora koutou,

Today we had our first day of our new intake of DFI, our first totally online cohort. Wow! What a day! Such a big group, which was really cool. It was good to connect with a group of educators from right across the country. I was working with six teachers, ranging from one senior PE teacher from Bay of Islands Colllege, through to junior teachers from Christchurch! What a great mix! I really enjoyed connecting with others and think it was a great opportunity to connect with teachers from really different areas (both geographically and different parts of the education system).

I really appreciate the opportunity that taking the DFI online has provided in terms of the fact that I am the lead coach in our DFI's in Ōtaki and it's great to hear different people presenting some of the sessions - we all present in our own style and I am loving hearing my colleagues present.

Today was our focus on Core Business - Docs, Drive, and Chrome. I've created this graphic to share my key take aways from the day.

I am really looking forward to having a look through the groups blog posts to see what they have taken away from the day.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Animation Create Example

This is my animation that I have created, it was a very rainy stormy day when I created this.

Monday, March 30, 2020

DFI Online - Ōtaki Cohort 1, 2020

Today we ran our first day of DFI Online... wow! An already intense day, intensified by being online. But in saying that, it was nice to be able to do my breakfast dishes at morning tea, and put some washing on the line at lunch time!

It was really good to be able to continue this learning for our kaiako who are able to commit to these sessions, whilst they are working from home. Most of us managed to have two devices to enable us to keep the hangout going and see what was being share at the same time. I have loved the new GridView extension for hangouts! If you haven't seen it yet, you should try it (click here to get it).

Our session today on Workflow is always such a useful one for our teachers, and having some time to use these new skills to tame their calendars, emails, and tabs is such a bonus for them.

Our create task today involved looking into some of the content from the Summer Learning Journey and looking at the task students had done and reflecting on the learning design which was built into these tasks. It was really interesting to see how different the tasks were and see the different DLO's (Digital Learning Objects) that the students had created. I loved the quiz that a student had created on slides that Rauru shared with us. Check it out in the video below.