Monday, March 30, 2020

DFI Online - Ōtaki Cohort 1, 2020

Today we ran our first day of DFI Online... wow! An already intense day, intensified by being online. But in saying that, it was nice to be able to do my breakfast dishes at morning tea, and put some washing on the line at lunch time!

It was really good to be able to continue this learning for our kaiako who are able to commit to these sessions, whilst they are working from home. Most of us managed to have two devices to enable us to keep the hangout going and see what was being share at the same time. I have loved the new GridView extension for hangouts! If you haven't seen it yet, you should try it (click here to get it).

Our session today on Workflow is always such a useful one for our teachers, and having some time to use these new skills to tame their calendars, emails, and tabs is such a bonus for them.

Our create task today involved looking into some of the content from the Summer Learning Journey and looking at the task students had done and reflecting on the learning design which was built into these tasks. It was really interesting to see how different the tasks were and see the different DLO's (Digital Learning Objects) that the students had created. I loved the quiz that a student had created on slides that Rauru shared with us. Check it out in the video below.